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thoughts about interstellar conventions on war (fictional) 

@isaackuo @nyrath @dashdsrdash

Ah, but those aren't meson guns, they're Meson guns. (Named after their inventor, Robert Q. Meson III.)

thoughts about interstellar conventions on war (fictional) 

@nyrath @isaackuo @dashdsrdash

Take it to the limit. Metallic hydrogen projectiles which will conveniently sublime away, even in space.

thoughts about interstellar conventions on war (fictional) 

@isaackuo @nyrath @dashdsrdash

In that particular case, I think the relevant convention would be "please do the needful to keep your missiles and other expended munitions from turning into accidental mines".

thoughts about interstellar conventions on war (fictional) 


I like the concept, but given the RW history of the banned weapons list just happening to double as a list of weapons which aren't useful (to major military powers), I have some doubts as to its likelihood under most circumstances.

(Now, in a _Traveller_/_Dune_-like scenario where the local Empire permits limited wars among its subunits - while reserving some big exceptions for itself, natch - the rules are on!)


Uranium metal rather than ore? Pelletized or something?

Not a whole lot. Lumps of non-enriched uranium are basically meh, but if you bang it around enough the powder should not be breathed and may spontaneously catch fire as metal powders often do.

And the oxide offers opportunities for heavy metal poisoning, so don't lick it. And don't drop it on you, it's heavy.

Radioactivity-wise, basically a nothingburger. I'd sleep on it.

@maxthefox @cstross @nyrath

On the latter: the thought experiment doesn't specify how far into the future the acausal blackmailer is. Could be a gigayear. Could be next Tuesday.

Or what it is, for that matter. Could be me with a promise to stab everyone next Tuesday who doesn't send me a Twinkie, if people were sufficiently intimidatable to be blackmailable by the mere idea of me in the candy store with the carving knife.

@maxthefox @cstross @nyrath

On the former: that's not unique to RB. There's nothing unique about acausal vs. regular blackmail that prevents multiple blackmailers wanting you to do contradictory things. It just reduces to the usual multiple-blackmail case: to wit, you're screwed.

(Fortunately, not negotiating with terrorists wins this case too.)

@maxthefox @cstross @nyrath

The answer, of course, is simple. Precommit to not negotiating with terrorists, and genuinely mean it, such that any possible sufficiently you-like emulation must also know that.

Then anyone capable of blackmailing you by torturing a copy of you will know that it's futile, and, if otherwise rational, not bother.

(Alternate options include becoming a sociopath or learning to truly, deeply, hate yourself and anyone else whose pain might otherwise affect you.)

@maxthefox @cstross @nyrath

Your perspective doesn't need to transfer to the simulation. All you need to assume is that you can empathize/sympathize with entities like yourself, and as such, will go to some effort to prevent the entity most like yourself from being hurt.

(This may also include the words "and once I do this for you, you're gonna need to find a new con[tractor|sultant]".)

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For anyone wondering why exactly I implemented the DEAR GOD HOW COULD ANYONE THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA thing despite that?

My professional ethics are very simple. If you ask for a dangerous or illegal thing, that I won't do. But if what you ask for is merely a bloody stupid thing, I will tell you that it is a bloody stupid thing and why, and if you insist on getting it anyway, that your request for a bloody stupid thing against my better judgment is on the record.

Then it's all on you, bro.


(The amount of industrial machinery I've seen controlled by things painfully similar to this particular stack of crazy really make me wonder how the hell we succeed in manufacturing anything at all.)


If your answer was "a new PC running an emulator for an old PC running the Beeb emulator tunnelling hardware-fu over serial over USB to a USB serial emulator to the hardware widget to the device it was supposed to control", you win a hearty exclamation of DEAR GOD HOW COULD ANYONE THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA.


Way back in the day, I had a contract at a place which had some business-critical control software which only ran on the 80s-era BBC Micro. Which they had been running on an old PC, using a very specific BBC Micro emulator (that could tunnel Beeb hardware-fu out using serial protocol to a hardware widget made by an out-of-business company) But the old PC had died, and they needed someone to make it work on a new one.

Guess what I left them with?


I still have both 3½ and 5¼ drives squirreled away in my office just in case...

@n1xnx @nyrath

Honestly, you *could* do some pretty decent RT programming on the NT kernel. It might not be my first choice on a blank-slate design, but still.

(And given how comprehensively these guys screwed up even basic UI stuff, I wouldn't trust them to do RT programming on a dedicated platform either.)


Which leads me to wonder - anyone know if Litton were on a fixed-price or cost-plus contract?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one