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Seriously, have some of my preferences --


Build more Art Deco, Streamline Moderne, and Populuxe!

Punch more nihilists, but only if you remind them that they have no valid grounds to complain about it afterwards.

Money is the best form of welfare. Give people money.

Starship AIs should self-represent as kanmusume.

The most pressing issue in the present day is the appalling degradation of the supply chain, which has the potential to break literally everything.

Dogs. I prefer them.

I mean, you do you, since you hiding your preferences while I expose mine means that statistically the world will be aligned a little bit closer to me and further away from you, and you probably have shit taste because you're not me. So good for me, I guess.

But I nonetheless have a strong preference for reminding everyone that making it harder for the world to become a better place is unsane behavior.

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Preference-satisfiers knowing what your preferences are is, like, the first and most necessary step in them being able to satisfy your preferences.

Why in the name of Moloch's granite cock would you ever want the world to be _less_ able to satisfy your preferences?

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So I saw a post recently elsewhere:

> 300 'smart' devices all around you, collecting data from all aspects and angles, working together to decipher your personality and preferences... just to put it on the open market for $0.10

People keep saying this like it's a bad thing.

The only bad thing about it is that it will cost $0.10, whereas I, being _homo economicus_, want my preferences on the open market for free. I might even be willing to pay a small amount to make people take and use them.

Around this time every year, innocent kids are told a disgusting lie.

NORAD don't track Santa with their RADAR.. The NSA track Santa over the internet because Santa accepts cookies at every house

Contemplating buying the domain to host experimental kanmusume.

Against the collapse of society, you are building an escape bunker in Hawaii.

Against the collapse of society, I am building the Doof Warrior's war wagon.

We are not the same.

Further to that last, I also saw a CNBC anchor quoted as saying:

"That would require the U.S. military to fire missiles into Yemen and I'm not sure they want to do that."

Bro, have you even met the US military?

The lack of a sudden and appallingly thorough naval response to the interdiction of the Red Sea by some raggedy-assed pirates clearly demonstrates that we should build more goddamn cruisers.

Murdering the shit out of people who screw with maritime supply chains is basically what cruisers are for.

Change my mind.

OMG you guys how did I never previously realize that FROSTY THE SNOWMAN is actually BARON SAMEDI!?

(magic in that old top hat they found, damn)

Peripatetic reminder that gloating over someone’s death was the province of epic world-worsening shitfucks last time, it still is this time, and it will be next time, too.

Be better.

(Not for them. For you.)

"What code is given to keep to, if the worst should happen?"

"Building code. Any man who fucks up, gets sued."

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Naturally, it is now that I am done with that that I am taking time off to peruse the fine details of the National Electrical Safety Code®.

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In other news, I have now finished wiring up the power circuit for the kitchen.

Remember when computer hacking meant bursting into a room full of chaps with slide rules, with a machete?

“I’m jousting for cyclists, what does it look like?”

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a Schelling point for those who seek one