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Our state fish is the channel catfish, and our state phish is fake calls from your credit card provider.

even if it blows up in orbit, that's still 90 teratons of TNT going off. That's equivalent to a solar flare.

You're still going to Have A Bad Day.

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"a spaceship crashed" shouldn't be a bunch of wreckage in a forest and plucky scavengers finding neat bits of technology to resell, it should be a "so the dominant species on that planet has been forever changed"

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more sci-fi should deal with the fact that your average Enterprise starship has a fuel tank measured in Chicxulubs of antimatter

From a discussion of importing cars from the to Earth today:

"I'd think cars would be one of the less likely export products myself, for a couple of reasons.

(Leaving aside trying to get the State of California to allow anything powered by a radiothermal generator on the roads, obviously, and also throwing a dozen hissy fits about how the space tech bros are broing the space tech. Bro.)

((Gods, I hate that abbrev.))"

Whyever did we call it "self-destruct" when we could have called it "autoclast"?

(This is a post about AI development. And climate change. And basically everything else.)

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As a general note, I have seen lots of people today criticizing those who spend time thinking about future and potential problems rather than the present problems right in front of them.

Gentles all, I trust you will enjoy your trip on Eastern Air Lines Flight 401.

Now consider how likely the likelihood of finding a iron-spined enough to condemn a million/hundred-thousand/ten-thousand/etc. Lunarians or Martians in the former US colony to slow death for, basically, transmitting an updated copy of their own Declaration of Independence - and doing so in the face of the entire non-Internet-tough-guy population being all "um, I didn't sign up for deliberate mass-murder, kthx".

This is why I do not buy it.

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Thinking of that meme that space colonies will remain bound to their earthly masters (because it's the law, don'ch'know) enforced by the Earthers' merciless grip on their supply chain?

Consider, on the one hand, the sheer outrage generated in the public discourse by Israel's refusal to continue to supply electricity and water to the Gaza Strip, a polity whose government, Hamas, lists the brutal murder of every Israeli as its official state policy.

Concept: The COBOL Cabana, a beach bar for recovering business logic programmers.

Let me give you the one-sentence libertarian case for funding the war in Ukraine:

There are literally no circumstances in which spending tax money to shoot authoritarian shitheads isn't a better deal than spending tax money to empower authoritarian shitheads.

New!Battlestar Galactica/The Prisoner crossover.

“I am not a number, I am a free Cylon!”

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Alistair's First Law of Hyperbolic Limitation:

Before anything can qualify as genocide it must first qualify as decimation.

Alternate best way to close trouble tickets:



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a Schelling point for those who seek one