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Why did we call it "energy conservation" when we could have called it "philenthalpy"?

At some point, I really need to come up with a filter algorithm patch for Mastodon that can spare me the necessity of having three and counting different variant spellings of "tech bro" in my cutlist.

I think about estimates of how long it would take a determined civilization to expand itself throughout the universe, and I ask myself --

Does cancer have fun?

Vice President should be the modern title for the Master of the Revels.

Change my mind.

It's OK to like the engineering of space X without agreeing with the personal politics of Elon Musk.
If every inventor in the world had to pass an ideological purity test, we'd still be struggling with taming fire.
It's when we start projecting "the engineering is good so the politics have to be good" we get in trouble.

Also: "Inviting a Communist Party into our market, even as it bars foreign competition in its own, is no one’s idea of advancing capitalism. What exactly do these groups think they're defending? Is this really their conception of the free market?"

I will defend to the death the right of my enemies to believe half-baked economic theories which lead them to subsidize cheap goods for me at their expense, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone not prone to leave free money on the table.

> But now [...] find themselves hoisting aloft the Chinese Communist Party’s banner in the name of “liberty,” arguing for the CCP's right to a free market and free speech.


"But China block our social media platforms!"

Clearly since they are stabbing themselves in the face, we too must stab ourselves in the face.


I am told that libertarians are badly isolated in this TikTok fight, and how much our kicking and screaming is hurting our credibility in the conservative coaltion.

Gentles all, _fuck_ the conservative coalition.

If you don't have principles when it's inconvenient, you don't have principles. And you don't deserve to have any credibility, either.

For clarity, from now on only measures of weight will be referred to as "tonnage". Measures of volume will instead be referred to as "fucktonnage".

Now, admittedly, this is the midwittiest of midwit arguments, but doesn't banning something because Dastardly Communists might be abusing it seem like the sort of thing that Dastardly Communists do?

I am pretty sure I can land a commercial airliner.

By which I mean push the right buttons on the computers to set the plane up to land itself.

'Cause, y'know, I have only loose theoretical knowledge of flying, but I am a gorram twelfth level master of beep boop.

Rules of thumb for electricians: in sufficiently old buildings, all wiring exists in one of three states:

a) Not current
b) Current
c) Carrying current

Pitch: a historical fiction series about the Duvalier family rule of Haiti.

I call it “Doc Dynasty”.

"I always suspected that programmers became programmers because they got to play God with the little universe boxes on their desks." — Jeff Atwood

In _Dune_, the Missionaria Protectiva planted legends of a Messiah for their own later use.

In the , the equivalent organization planted legends of the Fair Folk to remind people to honor their contracts and not fuck around with the pretty and pointy-eared.

@nyrath @cerebrate @tkinias @isaackuo

As usual, Niven offers an explanation which is not quite right.

Gravity drags require three orthogonal high-density cylinders rotating at ridiculous angular velocities. The cylinders are etched via x-ray lithography in a repeating circuitry pattern.

Spinning them up generates gravity wave vibrations that are very attractive to certain nearly ubiquitous masses in a parallel universe. As they gather towards the signal, they flatten out the curvature of space-time from the other side.

[It's a set of prayer wheels that call eldritch god-mice.]

me: Today, with all the major social media sites in the world down, I feel pretty good about my decision to self-host everything important.

world: But there are only two people on your self-hosted chat server!

me: I repeat, I feel pretty good about my decision to self-host everything important.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one