On The Problem of Technobabble and Ontotechnology
#eldraeverse #meta #metaphor #ontotechnology #technobabble #writing
100. No matter how wearied you are by the incompetent fools surrounding you, you may not spray knowledge-bearing nanites from high-flying aircraft.
No-one will care that they aren't technically chemtrails.
- _145 Things Not To Be Done In The Associated Worlds_
bend down to check the hot end
inhale a lungful of the warm, sweet smell of hot PLA
sigh in pleasure
"ahhh,,, the delicious scent of productivity!"
Today's Musical Discovery -
Fictional event of the day: On this day, at 2:14 am, Skynet becomes self-aware. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Real moral of the day: Trying to murder sufficiently smart children gets you all nuked, hunted down, and killed.
Favorite German word of the day: Maulwurf.
Which means "mole".
See, to me, moles are associated with weak vision, and good housekeeping, and nice cups of tea, and at this point I must admit that everything I learned about moles came from _The Wind in the Willows_.
"Maulwurf", on the other hand, sounds ridiculously badass.
Like, if someone told me they'd seen a maulwurf in the garden, I'd be all "Get my shotgun. And maybe the flammenwerfer."
This disconnect is entirely too amusing.
QT: politics-adjacent, Universal Basic Income
So, today it occurred to me to wonder what a unit of blood is, in volume.
The internet said "approximately a pint", so I said, "oh, those bloody medics again, too special to call it a pint like everyone else".
Except it's not. It's around 525 ml, which is 43 ml smaller than a proper Imperial pint and 52 ml bigger than a colonial pint, and 40-odd ml may not be much blood but is frankly more than I care to lose track of.
So, again, what the hell, medics?
I had a dream last night where I was crocheting a computer or some manner of computational substrate, where it was something like a silicon wafer where the physical pattern of the thing creates logic gates and so on, but it was like yarn scale, and much more ad hoc. Would make for a fun game. Could have all these challenges like "make a sweater that is also a calculator".
Science fiction writer. Speaker to minerals. Consensualist. Illeist. Pony and kanmusu stan. Can call spirits from the vasty deep!