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Best ways to close trouble tickets:




So, if you make a mistake while weatherproofing penetrations in the outside wall of your home… is that a caulk-up?

Is there actually a smallmouth bass? I've always wondered.

As a eugenicist, I believe that authoritarians should not be allowed to reproduce.

Stupid phrase of the day: "kamikaze drone".

What's wrong with "missile"? (Or, for seaborne drones, "torpedo".)

Alas, this is the post in which I must admit that I screwed up and got those numbers the wrong way around, a pulse being ~ 0.75 s.

By way of apology, another trivia item:

The gift shop at the Golden Tower (i.e., Gilea and Company’s headquarters, in Mer Covales, Seranth - right outside the museum of finance on the mezzanine level) sells both gold foil-wrapped chocolates and chocolate-covered gold bars.

_The former are more expensive._

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'verse trivia: The Imperial electrical grid, for those curious, operates at 72 cycles/pulse, which in Earth terms is approximately 54 Hz.

(Yes, I worldbuild too much.)

So I'm playing Stellaris - having managed to pick up a couple more DLC - it's early game, and my lithoids and one other Empire are all that's on the map. Still plenty of space around us. No trouble in site.

And they send me a message about how they're too weak to survive and would I pwease be their overlord.

Sure, I accepted, but I really wanted a dialog choice along the lines of "Do... do you need a hug?"

Every time someone misuses "ethnostate" to mean "racial state", I think of my grandmother.

Who could name all sorts of "white" ethnies who could fuck right off, starting with the Franks, the Celto-Iberians, and anyone vaguely Hunnish.

I mean, she didn't like people of other "races", either, but if you're gonna hold serious ethnic prejudices, you've got to start close to home.

Oh, it apparently depends on the client. Guess that makes sense.

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...apparently not. Or is it a whole word thing? Hm. TESCREAL .

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Adding "TESCREAL" to my filters on the grounds that no sentence with that acronym in it contains meaningful content.

Mentioning this solely because this morning I am curious as to whether Mastodon will filter my own posts when they contain the Forbidden Worlds.

I see these headlines about Russia using North Korean rockets, and, well...

Being Russia today must be one big mood of "Hey, remember when we used to be the one *selling* shitty weapons systems to rogue states?"

Sic transit gloria, tovarich.

(The best placebo, mind you, fresh off the boat from South America.)

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Some days I just want to take a bottle of sugar pills to a nightclub, sidle up to people, and ask 'em if they want to buy some placebo.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one