Is it just me or is the fact that the click-through link for someone's profile that you get when notified that someone has followed you on Mastodon leads to some useless page that doesn't show _any_ of their posts, requiring yet another hop off some link on the bottom of the page incredibly frustrating UX?

"Oh look, 50 new followers! 250+ clicks to see if i should follow them back or if they are just going for volume! (2 forward, 2 back, 1 to add) 50x."

Twitter: 1 to profile, 1 to add, 1 back


@kmett Overall I'm amazed how poor Mastodon is. I hope this new popularity leads to improvements.

@ciphergoth So far it is, sadly, almost exactly what I expected.

Fortunately, the chief twit seems to have finally realized _quite_ how unpopular the no-outbound-links policy was and didn't immediately double down on it, like Freenode did during its own alt-right implosion, so I'm not forced to spend all my time here, but yeesh.

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