There are some points in cultural history (Hundred Schools-era China, classical Athens, Elizabethan London, Scottish Enlightenment, Jena Group, etc.) where the social conversations about humans provide easy on-ramps for people to develop metacognition.
By sheer and utter coincidence, these same periods are also those that tend to produce the "canonical" classics of art and culture in their respective cultures.
Embodiment? You think medical embodiment is the refuge of a metaphysical ground of self? Your sense of embodiment is something you got out of a medical dictionary, or worse, the medieval equivalent of a medical dictionary that was translated by an isolated Buddhist monk trying to fix his meditation posture and then mis-translated and spiritualized by a late-colonial German and taken up by a bunch of hippies in the postwar period.
You do not actually feel like a body!
More symbols! More symbols!
You can't "kill the part of you that cringes." Cringing is part of how you know there is a subjective "you" inside. Cringing is one of a few physiological responses by which your innate subjective experience can produce any qualitative significance to otherwise-empty signs like "I," "myself," etc. If you could not cringe, or enjoy yourself, or scare yourself, etc., you would be a philosophical zombie. You would be nothing other than a name on a birth certificate, or an envelope, or a gravestone.
The trick to how it all works, how logic works and the whole of it, is that the interpretant/translatant formally interacts with non-efficient causation. Representation works because of this. Math works because of this. Formal necessity is dragging us forward into the future through symbol-use.
Humans emerged as a distinctive species 300k-500k years ago.
Humans started making symbols about 45k years ago.
Humans started making writing about 5k years ago.
Today humans literally are manipulating objects outside of our solar system with our symbols. Humans have begun rewriting the chemistry of life with our symbols. Humans are developing coordinated action to alter the chemistry of our planetary atmosphere through symbol-use.
@niplav go on
@elana I love our species. I love being human and knowing humans.
Did you know there was a bot on the fediverse that posts photos of Linear A tablets and sealings along with transliterations of their inscriptions???? Because I just discovered it and my blood is on fire!! My babies!! Here in the fediverse beside me!!!
He's not really a bad guy but he's a belligerent drunk. It's the thing that's hardest to like about him.
To be clear, I have reason to believe this person feels WAY more trapped/unhappy after making these extreme changes. I think the extreme changes were supposed to quiet the voices of self-criticism but only shifted the target.
A fun counterfactual to consider is how things might have shaken out differently if a time-traveler could communicate the following to health authorities in winter of '19/'20:
1. There's a novel coronavirus coming out of Wuhan
2. It's transmitted primarily indoors through respiratory droplets
3. The symptoms are linked to endothelial dysfunction
It seems like we burned through a lot of social cohesion just to get to 2 of those certainties.
This is why I call covid "the blood plague". It's not a respiratory virus, that's just a side effect of all the blood vessels in your lungs
Humanist interested in the consequences of the machine on intellectual history.