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i see SPC is allowed on this server

y'all are alright, don't go to twitter tomorrow

sorry to old followers, i disappeared from twitter in an abrupt manner. i thought fondly of y'all.

parler ended up as a big ass honeypot, no surprise there

danzaburou boosted

instances are interesting without a bazillion external connections already in place

this feed is quite manageable

its not like cops are protecting something obviously evil looking like they're stormtroopers

by and large the things they protect look like "the public good" more or less to the untrained eye

danzaburou boosted

as ever, bootstrapping is the problem with new social media sites =/

if anyone actually knocks on my door that's more than anyone else in my life does

as a previous fedi user i trust this collective net even less but i'm too burnt out to give a crap and have no need for true opsec


a Schelling point for those who seek one