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RT @ByrneHobart
Reader feedback: I incorrectly asserted that space runs a large trade deficit with the earth, since we send expensive electronics and get back pictures and rocks. It has been correctly pointed out that space exports vast amounts of nuclear power, and earth runs a deficit.

RT @rionrion0823
ごはんが 大きかったから


RT @AriSchulman
Dear Abby,

Do you have any pragmatic tips for protecting my family from fiery / icy / pestilential apocalypse without validating the outgroup?

RT @tszzl
nvm i just realized you can search for image text in google photos. the small miracles of ML

RT @dogmeatsfood
Yorkshire puddings are great
When I'm hungry I can eat up to eight
Some claim it's unlawful
To cook them like waffle
But I say it's much better than baked

RT @whatsuptucson
🚔Man running in and out of traffic swinging a belt, Wilmot and Carondelet

RT @eigenrobot
in fact i specifically chose the darker-skinned person at every juncture to lead the tribe

i thought this would be the progressive thing to do

wat mean @idr_labs

RT @sentientist
People in power saying that you shouldn't change your behavior at all after you get vaccinated, that you still have to mask up and socially distance, are just more effective antivaxxers.

RT @Thinkwert
“The Meth Mine of Bernalillo County”

Prior to 1973 and the invention of synthetic versions, all the crystal meth in the world was extracted from this one small mine owned by Albert Uquerque, New Mexico’s most famous citizen.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one