can't tell what is confusing me here

I think it's the (lack of) UI for threads


hmm want to use mastodon differently than twitter somehow

maybe stream of consciousness post like @acidshill did for a while

the v small follower count seems like a plus, but I also don't 'get' mastodon yet

need to follow more accounts stat

the dopamine returns are low here

hmm maybe a good thing

@lisatomic I've been trying to find as many of the good ones as possible, but with no good search the only way really is to see them reply to others or see who other people are following. Or just asking them on Twitter, of course.

@squirreler yeah it seems much harder than on twitter to find accounts! I think I'll just do it slowly over time...

@lisatomic It's not that bad once you hit a certain critical mass, because on Twitter most follows are organic too. It does make piecemeal migration harder though.


i dunno i've been here for a year and tbh there don't seem to be any rules

if you ignore the people who want to impose rules on you

but two nice thing are content warnings (which one can also use friviolously) and image captions (which I've reluctantly started adding)


@niplav oh interesting

ok gonna test content warning, want to see what it does

other fediverse stuff 

other fediverse -specific things are hellthreads, which are shitposting threads with a whole lot of insults and slurs and dozens of people being tagged (more common on rightwing instances)

some parts here are really into an anime called serial experiments lain

smaller instances usually have more interesting people


i've briefly considered using it like instagram for no good reason at all

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