@rime dangit

It's a recent unicode glyph that looks exactly like a GoL glider

@niplav Oh, I forgot to mention. Your mention of "GoL glider" here caused me to have an interesting observation one to three days later.

@niplav We call them "gliders" now:
- When me and Maria are trying to wander memories or dreams, sometimes something's slightly off, like the incline of the ground beneath us, or the relative sizes of our avatars, or just some object which is just dimensionally *off* in some way.

- Then when I try to deliberately correct this (eg adjust the angle of the floor), often the correction goes whack, and ends up being overcorrected by a million degrees, or it ends up wobbling back and forth around the value we want it at.
- Once this gets going, it's really hard to stop; it has a life of its own, and conscious intervention just makes it more whack.
- It's like an earworm (music) that can't be suppressed.

@rime yeah, I was thking of this kind of phenomenon a couple of days ago

A correction - convergence oscillation


@rime in your case rather a correction - divergence oscillation

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