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As I migrate more posts on 'verse computing, I observe:

Those people with buttsticks about "byte" and "nybble" being too silly are going to have to continue to suffer post-contact through "playte", "dynner", "feyst", and "banquyt".

(Industry-standard word lengths in the seventh millennium are banquyts. Conveniently, this means that IIP addresses are still quadwords.)

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@niconiconi yep, Gaussian processes/kriging were invented for finding oil and minerals, and that's 30(?) years ago

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e.g. The only three practical applications of a gravity gradiometer are like: (1) Answer fundamental physics questions about the Earth and the universe. (2) Obtain navigational data for inertial guidance system to nuke someone else with nuclear ballistic missiles. (3) Find oil.

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Time is the most scarce resource in my field. And yours too, probably.

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@lisyarus Turing completeness is the empirically unique reasonable notion of computability for functions Nat -> Nat, but for (Nat -> Nat) -> Nat (aka type-2 computability) there are multiple reasonable notions of computation that are not equivalent, so there is no such thing as “Turing completeness” there

@Paradox true, but if 4 guys surround the hot chick with a clear center of focus, ignoring all the other chicks, I do feel Fremdscham

Have they no self-respect to be this obviously piling?!

Some poise, guys!

Put a hot woman into a rationalist party—most flagrant simping I've ever seen

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#30daymapchallenge Day 2 (Lines): Sequential postcodes of Germany, making use of the unpopular 🌈 rainbow color map. This map was inspired by Kate, aka @pokateo_maps on the bird site.

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expression of frustration about people who touch other while sleeping next to each other

Category Mech for mechanisms, and Incen for incentive-compatible mechanisms

Is this anything? (I don't know category theory)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one