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@WomanCorn I'm pretty sure that there is a prompt of <500 chars for which ChatGPT will tell you what's in the nuclear codebook.

It knows, but it won't tell you


In GDP per capita? I Germany is ahead by >5k€/person, and I think this has been the case for a long time

Maybe worth a forecasting question on one of the relevant platforms

Hm is France going to be richer than e.g. Germany in 10 years

given they're so nuclear and all

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when you dwell in nirvana you are perfect emptiness, loving void—which is, you know, equivalent to the turing machine that just halts.

i was hoping to one day get featured on

but alas, they stopped updating :-/

we're all the same age in years left to live

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a coconut is not “just a nut”; it’s exactly the same as a nut. that’s much stronger than your weak isomorphisms or whatever.

bringing EA to politics≠bringing politics to EA


Engineer: "Multipolarity though"

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Bystander: "Oh my god!"
(nearly whispering) "oh my god"
Fireman (shouting): "Is everyone off the bridge?"
(into a walkie-talkie): "South-east pillar shows significant damage. South-east pillar mostly strong. Bridge cable broken in the 3rd segment."
(looks around, shouts): "Where's the engineer? God damnit, WHERE'S THE FUCKING ENGINEER STAYING‽"

A baby-blue ferrari with a flamingo pattern screeches and halts before the crowd. Out gets a tall, muscular man wearing pit vipers and a suit.

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Perhaps a being left to the imagination thing as well? The author can’t say what it was like, before the collapse, because that pins it down to something specific and small; only that it was grand.

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Double-egged sword. A sword with an egg on either side.

@agentydragon I was trying to anticipate the range that gives the highest differentiation for 4 options

I was…maybe trying to find a partition for which the votes maximize the entropy?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one