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@Erik Man kann zwischen einer Schuldfrage und einer Strategiefrage unterscheiden

Do not ask: What can I do for less wrong, ask: What can lesswrong do for me?

Fediverse at EAG meetup: meeting point 5 sunday at 13:00.

Codephrase is "i like your shoelaces"

@Paradox there are 206 countries, and there are 206 bones in the human body

*points at shin*: "Ecuador"
*slightly moves finger*: Malaysia

@jhpot trying to find the image template with the suffering wojak left and the smug pepe right and just not finding it

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We all think Google’s search results kind of suck now, right? What are the best examples you’ve seen?

> You should maybe invest in a backpack of some sort.

It's best when I get onto a train at A and get off at destination B with no changes inbetween, also leaving me with some time for essential daily rituals which are otherwise disrupted by travel

@Paradox let's just say i live in a city in Europe, and ~all people around me are less skittish around rravel than I am.

I probably ~always get back home if I got lost but it might be more expensive than I like and I don't like spending money

Similar with losing things on the way, and I'm disorganized enough that I just often lose stuff

@Paradox it's not *that* bad

but I like having a sure place to go back to. Having a home in a days walking distance feels much safer

@Paradox yes: imagine you're in poland, you don't speak polish, your phone is dead, none of your credit cards are working, you know nobody... Horror scenario

@Paradox the whole thing is overwhelming

I could strand anywhere

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a Schelling point for those who seek one