@dmoser Willing to bet at 3:1 odds that global avg temperatures not 3° warmer than pre-industrial levels by 2100.
@augustus Thank you for your service o7
/r/conspiracy is not convinced, though: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6fblam/the_sacharovscenario_200_megaton_bomb_under_water/
@augustus that is *fascinating *. Thank you for sharing! I wonder whether the math checks out...
@cosmiccitizen The rest of the world is also happy to call the USA the greatest country in the world—leaving the tackiness to you 😚
@Paradox loss as in predictive loss, a simple way of measuring predictive accuracy
We want loss to be as low as possible, because that corresponds to good performance
Sometimes capabillities emerge with sudden falls in loss, sometimes loss doesn't change much, we'd like to know when these capabilities will change or loss declines sharply
@Paradox yeah, SREs are not mathematical REs but a computational tool http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/structural_regexps/se.pdf
@agdakx yep, was thinking of this :-)
@gigabecquerel also youtube videos take 10s to load
Sacrifices need to be made I guess
@gigabecquerel no more videocalls
Much more focus on caching, bog tech companies are national instead of international (benefits from being local)
More wikis, more asynchronous communication and less synchronous
(takes 0.1 seconds for light in this world to move around the globe, in the hypothetical it's 10 seconds)
@HollyElmore back
@cerebrate oh that's you! Welcome! I loved your little anti-moloch post :-)
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].