@rime you gotta be wizardmaxxing
Discourse: Economics, Prices, Rent Extraction
@Angle 😁😁😁
@lain relatively(1) least important one
(1) compared to rest of world events
@scathach movie had a weak story, gorgeous world. A whole manga+series? Didn't kbow abt that!
@sotneStatue This might be a bit late, but… :-D
The sequences are really really good for some people. Just a straight injection of sanity. The best of/end of year reviews are also recommended. Otherwise, it's hit or miss
@Paradox Oops sorry dérive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9rive
@Paradox Good stuff, sometimes about walking around in cities
@Paradox Guy Debord, the society of the spectacle, derivé
@xarvos In germany we usually write "Das wären dann 17€, bitte."
Is that what you were asking about?
@why Mambo number 81
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].