@rime day is 32 hours, no opinion on week length (unles wage labour, in which case 5 day weeks with 2 day weekends
Explanation: Something has free will/consciousness if it has some property X¹ and we don't understand this thing.
So I guess mechanistic relativity?
¹: as of yet unexplained
This site looks interesting: https://jacksonw.xyz/
@snacks Can we get some F in this chat
@augustus Stigler strikes again!
@rime Recently learned about "ekpyrotic", and ek- can be used for e.g. "eknephelic", "eknepheles" → "out of fog"
Microsoft doesn't want you to know this
@kirjis <shouted like in StarTrek> "JAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].