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@rime day is 32 hours, no opinion on week length (unles wage labour, in which case 5 day weeks with 2 day weekends

niplav boosted

got an idea for a meditation and wellness app

it just crashes your phone

Explanation: Something has free will/consciousness if it has some property X¹ and we don't understand this thing.

So I guess mechanistic relativity?

¹: as of yet unexplained

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@snacks @tk @vaartis There is a variant of the game where you win whenever you think of it. I prefer to play that one 🙂

- Relativity in consciousness
- Relativity in free will

@rime Recently learned about "ekpyrotic", and ek- can be used for e.g. "eknephelic", "eknepheles" → "out of fog"

Philosophy is the incubator of science, but one cannot live in an incubator forever. -Tsiolkovsky

Microsoft doesn't want you to know this 

@kirjis <shouted like in StarTrek> "JAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"


niplav boosted

For the last time:

Abyss = for staring into
Void = for screaming into

Please stop screaming into the abyss we are not insured for that

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a Schelling point for those who seek one