C library functions are always like: "SYNOPSIS. This function converts foos into bars depending on the user locale. ARGUMENTS. src and dest pointers must be distinct; it is undefined behavior if they are not QPU-aligned. RETURN VALUE. Returns the number of foos converted. A zero value indicates failure, or that zero foos were converted. A negative value indicates that the final foo was only partially converted (function got tired). Check this global variable to find out why."
@astrid @typeswitch EUNRDBL is the sound I make in panic if I try to breathe and drink at the same time
Hooley dooley.
This post is about a "found-in-the-wild" small Turing machine (3-states, 4-symbols), that halts --- after an Ackermann function-level number of steps; using Knuth's up-arrow notation, more than
\[ 14 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 14
and in fact we know exactly how many!
@scathach endless forms most beautiful
Discourse: Grim AI Future
@Angle gotta love yourself some ascended economy
@Paradox some things just don't work out
@Paradox and I enjoyed the iron-sharpens-iron again
@Paradox yep, I'm back in the arena
@Paradox asked her out & got rejected 🤷
@kaia i think it's great, epistemic flexibility
Not wedded to any hypothesis, just to an observation that the curvature of the earth seems too small
@rime i can add my stuff to the draft and we co-publish?
But probably not before August on my side
@rime many thanks for sharing
@augustus if you show your face then yeah
But it's probably difficult to figure out who I am just from my online presence
@augustus huh okay
Well three more views on the pile from me then
@augustus oh I see virality bc viral
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].