@erwinrossen Long and slow. Long and slow.
@urusan Really advanced psychology would also be a candidate (manipulation)
Hm, that's not quite what I'm looking for. In this hypothetical, I guess I want to have some method of just taking the valid programs for C and C+ and then spitting out a 1 if C+ is stricter, and a 0 if C+ is more featureful. Like, what is the mathematical definition of those conditions?
@jp let's forward that 1 mio. years
@FloatingGhost no, wait. i basically already live on something like this: jars of kimchi+queal (+protein powder+creatine)
i'd live of this. looks good.
Let's say you have a programming language C, and a programming language C+.
Every valid C program is a valid C+ program, but not the other way around.
There can be at least two ways in which this happens:
1. C+ is "stricter" than C, but the strictness is optional: you can e.g. add type signatures that don't exist in C.
2. C+ is more "featureful" than C. E.g. it adds generics or whatever.
Is there a way to distinguish those two rigorously? Or is there no underlying deep difference?
If you press the button, the top 10% earners in the world (who hold 85% of the world's wealth) will be forced to forfeit their earnings and be given a fixed allowance equal to 5% their prior income.
Their money'll be distributed to everyone else, proportionally according to need.
Do you press the button?
@empathy2000 I still find "get $OBSCURE_INGROUP_FIGURE on Lex Fridman" funny
how far can we push it
sad but true
@scathach the correlation reverses during catastrophic events, right?
@WomanCorn huh. I think I like TypeScript 🤷
(am I confusing myself? valid C programs⊂valid C++ programs, valid JavaScript programs⊂valid TypeScript programs, right?)
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].