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@Arpie4Math @dneary
Point 3) would've been my nitpick.

Thanks for point 4), didn't consider leap seconds.

Eh consideration attribution is probably human-impossible for these types of questions

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Hm, I noticed the snarky thought "I can't come up with any large scale positive development[1] that I would attribute to redistribution".

But now I'm like "that's too snarky, you might just ask people for examples".

E.g. I'd attribute rising lifespan with improved nutrition (core cycle in the economy improving).

[1]: like, at least over several decades and hundreds of millions of people

presidential democracy is just myopic dictatorship

Everything I don't like is an externality

A guide for arguing with libertarians I don't like

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Do you know how many minutes there are in February?
Believe or not, the answer is 8!

You are a {morning lark/night owl}, you associate {morning with red & evening with blue (mr&eb))/morning with blue & evening with red (mb&er)}

We have both, RLHF+fine-tuning *and* RHLF+fine-tuning!

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a Schelling point for those who seek one