@marine liminal spaces are cool
@kev wow did *not* expect those results
@panchromaticity Yes.
@Humpleupagus @Bobson @WomanCorn Ah my man it's the quality of the replies that makes the difference ❤️
@Humpleupagus @Bobson @WomanCorn guys no hellthreading in my replys pls
@lain This isn't cute or heartwarming. C programmers only write Javascript when they are VERY DISTRESSED
@WomanCorn But someone should figure out your question.
@WomanCorn That's a really good question! I haven't been able to find an answer. The closest I found was a page on the total compute capacity in the world in 2015[1], which was 2 x 10²⁰ – 1.5 x 10²¹ FLOPS.
@Humpleupagus @WomanCorn no idea I just read Wikipedia
> The Amiga intellectual property is fragmented between Amiga Inc., Cloanto, and Hyperion Entertainment.[1]
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].