@wolf480pl Neural Networks are able to predict the "future"[1] better than chance: https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.15474
This scales with size, and is still far below human baseline
[1]: actually doing pastcasting
@lethe @sun_eater how to become blackmailable
@WomanCorn sounds like a good idea! doubt it'll help in any way in the limit (also epistemic contamination is a bitch), but i'll cheer the people who try
wildbow's fiction certainly is something
anti-utilitarian screed
@genmaicha naturally i disagree with this a bunch :-D
do you want a more in-depth answer or nah
@agdakx Doing God's work 🙏
Go nerd-snipe them, regal person 👑
Disappointed that [1] doesn't actually check for common vNM violations. This must be assuaged
[1]: https://sohl-dickstein.github.io/2023/03/09/coherence.html
@typeswitch I would like to relapse tho 👀
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].