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Sending this to deletionist admins every day until they stop

…and of course the person has mainly deletions as their contributions

this is how internet knowledge dies

well then I'll go back to my own Wikipedia with coke and hookers[1]


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Come on! The other variants don't have sources either! WTF

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…and it got reverted

*grumble grumble grumble*

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Rest assured that the Wikipedia articles on obscure tic-tac-toe variants are now slightly better

“neniel” could also be a biblical angel

just loving this little guy: (·,·). it's like he's looking through a crack: ‘come on, you'll understand the function definition! I believe in you (·,·)’

Highly recommended to kick a short-term akratic rut

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@nova The perfectly synchronised clock is almost always wronger than the stopped clock: The stopped clock is right twice a day, the perfect synchronised clock, if offset by a nonzero amount, is never correct.

What is the Bayesian version of calibration?

In practice probably ~all systems with qualia are valenced systems, since valence is the primary axis along which qualia can vary

What is the information bottleneck of epigenetics?

@pujz You could meet every person active on this instance

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a Schelling point for those who seek one