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If you have advanced BCIs, while training an AI system, you might be able to use a distance metric between the human neural activations and the weights as an additional training signal

To inch closer to human-like cognition in trained AI systems

In 2017 there were ~100 mio. beehives in the world

(…, parameters Live Animals, World + (Total), Beehives, Stocks, from )

With ~1 trio. bees

I just gotta really appreciate our dear admin @pee_zombie. Server always running, no random bans because someone didn't like the right videogame, appreciable schizoposts… just all around great.

@kyouu hm, I'd never heard of a successful bihacking attempt

Hope he's happy sleeping with dudes now

Overcoming Bias move to substack thoughts:

• Old redirects to LessWrong have stopped working.
• Old comments are accessible, but only to paying subscribers
• The æsthetic isn't my thing

Idea: I flip a coin to make the decision to floss/not floss for at least 3 months. Then at the next dental inspection, when the dentist asks whether I floss, I tell them my setup and ask them to predict.

Should I bother?


Everyone Everywhere Extend Embrace Extinguish no thinking, just poasting.

Anyone wanna be post-post-ironic bronies

@Paradox Yep! I was thinking about good visualizations, but nothing great came to mind.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one