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"If we don't race as quickly as possible an irresponsible actor would get there first!"

*ten minutes of cussing and screaming by me*

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disappointed yeah image
resigned yeah image
resigned yeah image black and white
yeah image black and white
yeah image black and white cartoon
yea guy meme (← this one was successful)

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Trying to find the "yeah" image via google, a thread of attempts

just one more set bro. i promise just one more set and we’ll stop and go home. just one more set. please just one more. one more set and it’ll work this time bro. bro cmon just let’s have one more set bro. bro bro please we just need one more set to

(those → people) when they find about sociology: a riot is just an endomorphism on a co-sheaf

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"technically possible" ≠ "ethically responsible"


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allows for beautifully large & bloated & irrelevant backups, thank you litecoin ❤️

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i'm now pretty sure the urbit whitepaper is impossible to parody.

oh yeah I *love* software that just dumps giant amounts of data into my home directory without giving me any option of changing where it dumps the data

i find the removal of the “master/slave” thing in computer protocols to be kinkshaming

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bitches be like "i want to be held"
yeah im going to hold you in contempt of court
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a Schelling point for those who seek one