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Who do we need to bribe to make Discord add a Wiki feature?

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Apparently some people don't derive pleasure from music. Fucked up

Situations with commitment to communal child rearing and reproduction favor female organisms

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@lanodan @allison @p @sjw most computer smart programmer people need to realize users don't care at all about how much of a mess something is under the hood as long as it works well enough to not cause any headaches

Guy who prefers gendering transpeople correctly because it's cheaper than all other options

What has always surprised me is that female sexually reproducing organisms don't insert more of their own DNA into the offspring—surely the equilibrium isn't zero cheating!

I remember having heard that sometimes DNA form previous sex partners is inserted, which would also make sense, especially under dual mating strategies, but I don't know how true that is.

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"In 2020, the U.S. Army Esports Twitter account tweeted "uwu" in reply to a tweet by Discord, which was met by significant backlash from Twitter users. This event culminated in a trend of attempting to get banned from the U.S. Army Esports Discord server as quickly as possible, with a common technique being to link to the Wikipedia article on the war crimes committed by the United States.[10][11]"

Being a Buddhist is, I think, counter to the spirit of the whole thing

another great title is ”Eight Hundred Slightly Poisoned Word Games”

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Mambo Number 5 is such a good title, shame the song is so bad

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@TetraspaceGrouping in the physical realm scarcity is the norm and we fight for abundance, in the digital realm abundance is the norm and some fight for scarcity

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NFTs are scarcity only for people who explicitly want scarcity and are willing to sacrifice a lot of other things to get scarcity, everyone else can just non-rivalrously view and copy the data from the inherently public blockchain

Yes im pua


“Performance measurement for
brain–computer or brain–machine
interfaces: a tutorial” Thompson et al. 2014

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a Schelling point for those who seek one