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One could call varied problem spaces with many different & rare problems marsupilamis

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what the hell my phone gives me tracers in the dark if i move it

my watch has been running for ~5 years now, and I've never had to change the battery. wow.

some blogs have a “start here” page that is not the default landing page: why? most people visiting your site will be there for the first time, but they have to perform an additional click to go to the “start here” page, unnecessarily.

if we clone neanderthals/denisovans, we should probably ask them about consciousness.

hang web developers by ropes whose length is inversely proportional to the loading time of their pages

people liked the old SSC more than ACX because substack is chickenshit minimalism, and it's _slow_. you have to wait for the fucking text & comments to appear, while the old site loaded pretty much instantaneously. people have learned to associate chickenshit minimalism aesthetic with slow loading times, and subconsciously detest it bc of that.

Welcome to the Niplaverse! Take a seat over there, your ultrasound-stimulation helmet is being prepared in right order.

what if we kissed 👉👈😳 in front of the whiteboard with haphazard alignment ideas

cringe opinion i hold 

eliezer yudkowsky is good actually

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if you bet against the prediction market and lose you've been manitold

🫥=I'm currently dark-nighting pretty hard

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a Schelling point for those who seek one