I think the "metabolic privilege" idea is roughly correct; I come from a family with very little obesity (my brother lives and eats like shit and is still in amazing shape: not jacket but 0 fat)
I can eat whatever however much I want and I don't gain any weight, now I'm trying strength training thrice ax week to see whether that has any effects
@TetraspaceGrouping I assume on Twitter it's a poll, so
Group theory was a lucky subject. At its beginning, there were no group axioms, just lots of successful mathematical ideas and theorems. But then there were axioms, which were cemented by Cayley's Theorem (probably the earliest instance of the Yoneda Lemma, before category theory was invented).
Cayley's Theorem says that every group is a subgroup of a permutation group, and the proof is deceptively simple, just as that of the Yoneda Lemma.
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].