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okay let's see whether anyone actually uses hashtags for search. if you're interested in the following i'd be interested in chatting

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>china is infiltrating the US at every level
>there are spies who seduce men in order to steal classified info

there's no way this is real. I have classified info btw

nice, i'll be able to retire soon given all the money random chinese women give me after they find out that I argue for decelerating capabilities development online

good names for songs:

* inordinate fondness
* new home of mind

"Hello, welcome to Tooters. What can I get for you?"

OK here's a model for this

You approach with ~outcome independence
She feels that, and the approach is executed good-ish, so she has some attraction
But forebrain says no bc of existing relationship
She is afraid of bad reaction on rejection
She rejects and I stay cool and maybe make a relaxed joke
That makes her more attracted and more relaxed bc she knows I'm not a threat, and it's "OK" to touch bc I already committed to the no

I wonder how accurate this is?

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Also the one who didn't give number was incredibly touchy even while rejecting me...
How much more should I've pressed?

Hm one is dead bits the other one doesn't live here and also the approach ended badly

Mere ripples

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5 approaches, 4 numbers


Or Umeshism: if nearly all your approaches give you numbers, the girls you're approaching aren't hot enough

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crazy mindset and productivity hack: stop being a little bitch


(imperial chinese harem distributed anonymous organization)

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*Columbo voice* Well, that all sounds good. A finite number of primes. That'll look good on the report. Uh, just one more thing, sir, before I go. What if you multiplied all of them together and added one? What would that be divisible by, sir?

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I've made a deliberate choice against a quoting feature because it inevitably adds toxicity to people's behaviours. You are tempted to quote when you should be replying, and so you speak at your audience instead of with the person you are talking to. It becomes performative. Even when doing it for "good" like ridiculing awful comments, you are giving awful comments more eyeballs that way. No quote toots. Thank's

this is the idea timeline. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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my sister touched the mist and now her knees are backward, her fingerjoints can bend in any direction and her hair has pierced her irises. AITA?

Ik gıhorta dat ſeggen
dat ſih urhettun ænon muotın
hıltıbrant entı hadubrant untar herıun tuem
ſunu fatarungo ıro ſaro rıhtun
garutun ſe ıro gudhamun gurtun ſih ıro ſuert ana

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a Schelling point for those who seek one