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I need to learn how to crash dates that are going nowhere with way too much escalation. That should be fun

What is a market then? A wretched piece of matching algorithm

“But I'd love to be pinned down” — Toby Ord (The Precipice p. 397)

i *am* looking forward to seeing whether aliens similarly have two sexes, and whether they roughly split up by “sex that does the investing in the offspring” and “sex that provides a lot of variation in mating success”

“I don't know why anyone would ever want to do that, so we should punish it” is a beautiful warning sign (milder form is “I don't know why anyone would ever want to do that, so nobody should even try”)

Unlikely events can be good, likely events can be bad.

i would buy, but never wear, lesswrong merch

often it doesn't actually matter whether you're chatting with an LLM or a human, you can just stop talking

okay i think i'll stay on here now

too many familiar faces

So, I'll be taking a little time off the fediverse, I feel it's become a bit too addictive and I'm not producing anything of long-term value.

Can't promise I'll be back, so if you want to get back at me (for whatever reason) shoot me an old-school mail:

(Or perhaps in the future, rn I'm just hoarding the domain)

I know it's a strong claim, but I'm willing to posit that the electoral system is the most broken thing about US politics

It's fractally bad

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Just heard on Lex Fridman that the US electoral system is fundamentally sound

,,, no

*extreme Ben Shapiro voice*

Let's assume hypothetically there was a this-part-of-fediverse blogpost day. Then let's posit (for the the sake of argument) that you had an idea for a blogpost you wanted to write. Now hypothetically would you want to participate in this event if it took place at the right time & place?

(e.g. on a matrix server with some optional voicechat &c)

In this House We Believe

We might fail, but never with abandon

Every moment is fresh, unimpeded by the one before

Remove as many obligations as you add

There is something to protect, something to give everything for

Tsuyoku Naritai!

the distinction between Trying Hard and Moving Toward the Goal

I'm rapidly flip-flopping between believing that I'm extremely autistic and believing that everyone else is autistic compared to me

in retrospective trying to learn optimization theory without having a nice foundation in multivariable calculus might've been quite ambitious

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a Schelling point for those who seek one