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but also the amount of time a broken clock is right has measure zero

corollary: broken clocks are infinitely more accurate than shifted clocks: a broken clock is right twice a day, but a shifted clock is *never* right

In deontic logic, is ~obligation(~x)=permission(x)?

philosophical technique: A is X, B is Y, but there is a continuous transformation from A to B, but there isn't from X to Y, where does the switch occur?

I really enjoy the portray of consequentialism in the SEP article on deontology:

philosophytube followers be pondering the impossibility of white bears in novaya semlya

tbh whenever someone is like “the existing arguments for agi xrisk were insufficient/unclear, here's my better version” the arguments read exactly the same to me as the existing ones.

Am I "openly and credulously pushing lesswrong and SSC"?

*entering /r/ssc*
"you think *that's* a good criticism of decision markets‽ THIS is a good criticism of decision markets"

i like the wikipedia list of eponymous laws a lot

so far on the tl i see fox, cat, bird, other bird, cyber woman, fish and owl

æsop would have a field day

Another scheduled reminder that every tweet in your timeline is actually me posting from one of my accounts. Don't believe me? Watch me post this from my other account.

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@WHALEINFO Remember when Bush said "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully"? People mocked him for that but I genuinely believe that it's a beautiful hope.

To be fair, the FAQ doesn't even contain the words "self-fulfilling prediction", and doesn't talk about the dangers that happen when you plug a thing that can take actions (government) into a powerful optimizer (the market), so I'm not 100% sold on it either

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How to have a "beach body":

1) You're already 70% water, which is a good start

2) Replace the other 30% with sand

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Defending prediction markets from the godawful takes on the ssc subreddit:

i should follow my own advice

Reading The Precipice & struck by the fact that it was released *before* GPT-3, just as COVID-19 was ramping up. Pretty insane

Prediction: I will not like the Philosophy Tube Video about Effective Altruism

(i might set up a manifold market about this? but that would make it more likely that i watch it…)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one