how are warrant canaries still a thing? how have they not been outlawed yet?

@pareinoia its because they're meaningless :) they dont work and they never have :)) if you have a gag order and you remove the canary any judge will treat it as if you broke the order :))) cypherpunk larpers just like to use them because the idea is cool but they provide no assurances whatsoever :))))


>if you have a gag order and you remove the canary any judge will treat it as if you broke the order

see that's exactly what I figured! like surely the gag order is not so specific as to *not* encompass that. it's just about communicating that info, in *any* way

@pee_zombie I mean I'm guessing it could've worked *way* back in the day, but it'd have to be before the knowledge of warrant canaries was widespread, and without the feds or judge knowing you have one or where it is


@pareinoia perhaps, but it would be rather incompetent of a case officer to not be aware of such a canary, if it was displayed prominently enough for users to be aware

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