few understand that the human soul can be projected onto a planar mapping, rendering it subject to the findings of holography theory, as well as the 4-color theorem; this is why political compass quadrants capture all nuances of the possible belief space
RT @deepfates
color me impressed https://twitter.com/pee_zombie/status/1377384305358471171
Elon is missing an incredible market opportunity for Neuralink: enhancing ESP powers. we all know these operate on E&M, & a wire mesh on your brain is bound to buff both RX and TX capabilities. why hasn't he capitalized on this? bc there are federal agent saboteurs lying to him
the most fundamental ideological conflict is btwn folders & tags; the ontological differences btwn hierarchical & associative indexing underlie every major object-level debate, such as the nature of gender. is "female" a Windows folder or a Gmail label? this is intersectionality