it's so tedious that the activation energy barrier for real world changes is so high, primarily due to the illiquid nature of social capital in a low-trust society

would be so much more convenient to form a high trust community with strict gatekeeping and member financing

this sort of structure would unlock so much social capital currently locked up in nonfungible organic relationships, which, while nice, are not anything close to the global maxima social state

imagine a postrat society with a credit union & distributed gated community franchise

upon passing the gate and gaining admission, you'd be able to harness your social standing to obtain relocation financing, matching your physical social graph to your virtual, unlocking further synergies

said financing would be backed by your status and future on your salary

all sorts of services could be made available for members, in ways only possible in a high trust environment

private conflict mediation & arbitration ("hey robot, who is right")

status-compensated expert consultation ("hey ingroup who can help me with <niche>?")

& much more

hell you could even build a private cryptoeconomy to insulate against external volatility

operate your own infrastructure to hedge against censorship/DoS

effectively this approaches Snow Crash virtual citizenship, which I've long believed is the right model for many things


an sure others think about this sort of thing, I see mentions; but I don't want to just randomly move to some town with some Twitter anons. that's not nearly enough on its own. how would one plan an intentional society to guard against common failure modes, while providing value?

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