like any emotion, anger is a message from your subconscious, informing you of some disequilibrium, asking you to resolve it; the feeling communicates an internal truth, but some mistake it for an external one

remember that its all in service of maintaining homeostasis
RT @a_yawning_cat
ever notice how cats don’t really get angry in the sense of blindly lashing out in the tunnel vision of extreme emotion

the response to any exce…

the specific message anger conveys typically has to do w/ boundary violations; your perceived coherence is somehow being impinged upon. this can happen in three ways:
1. your sense of self is over-extended
2. you are not enforcing your boundaries adequately
3. an actual violation

the last one does indeed happen, but I'd be willing to bet the former two are much more common; I know i experience both regularly. through introspection and effort, it is possible to minimize their occurrence, increasing your anger's signal/noise ratio

this is controversial

many are not willing to consider that their anger is not necessarily conveying a true statement about the outside world, avoiding introspection or self-calibration

anger can be overwhelming, esp. if you run from it; it explodes, as it must, since the message must get out somehow

even if you ignore the notification, the disequilibrium is still extant, disrupting your homeostasis. every time a message goes unacknowledged, it teaches your subconscious that it needs to speak louder, so as not to fall on deaf ears

this can become a vicious cycle


w/ each iteration of anger suppressed, the signal grows stronger, & is harder to ignore; eventually it bursts out into the open, wild & uncontrolled, often w/ interpersonal consequences. this, in turn, can cause one to suppress it even more, making the subsequent explosion larger

one can easily get locked into a degenerative pattern, a feedback loop of alternating numbness and ferocity; many have fallen prey to such a psychodynamic pathology

luckily, it is entirely possible to fix, w/ much careful introspection and inner work.

don't ignore your anger.

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