pls reply to the FIRST tweet in this thread, & pls only ONE guess per player; you may want to pay attention to other player's results, as they may help you triangulate. collaboration is crucial for this sort of game! winner will get a special prize that I'll figure out later
minor rules update
RT @pee_zombie
@ulkar_aghayeva good question! i did realize after posting that the rules, as stated, incentivize waiting until later in the game to post. suboptimal!
lets say instead, multiple guesses are allowed, but only in response to someone else's guess, along their theme
we have a winner, folks! @sidbendu has figured it out: the Internet Research Agency is exactly the page I had in mind. some of you may remember that my original handle was "internet research agency employee"
RT @sidbendu
@pee_zombie Internet Research Agency
I'll be responding to these in batches btw so pls be patient if I don't get to yours right away