
this exchange is fascinating bc neither side cares about abstract principles; the left about decency or precaution, the right about liberty or the role of morality. they're engaged in a purely political battle, seeking to use the legal system to advocate for object-level goals
RT @realJohnDouglas
Yes. You have founded us. The secret is out.

can those on the left truly not understand why many would find this repugnant, how their impulse is rooted in concern for children's health and future?

do those on the right not realize how finding something morally abhorrent does not justify preventing others from doing it?

this sort of unprincipled tribalist conflict mode is what drove me originally to rationalism and the "gray tribe"; they both have their flaws, but are full of people willing to suspend their base emotions in search of the Truth, to think thru the N-ary consequences of bad policy

unfortunately it seems that it's impossible for public discourse to be nuanced today (if it ever even was), so these discussions are relegated to be had on twitter or behind closed doors

the ~left sees any hesitancy as bigotry, the ~right sees caution as degeneracy


don't think I don't see yall not liking that one tweet

if anyone is brave enough to publicly comment, I'd love to know why, even if it entails criticizing me

@pee_zombie however, in what way does the right see *caution* as degeneracy? I don't think that's the right word

@pee_zombie I was pretty disappointed by my (and other's) reaction to the SSC NYT affair last year, I definitely didn't have my tribal instinct under control there (I was able to prevent myself from posting about it online, though)

Gray tribe is better, sure, but tsuyoku naritai

@pee_zombie hm, at the limit I would want to prevent others from committing moral atrocities, e.g preventing people who don't know any better from eating a Carolina reaper

But I reckon this judgment should come after some derliberation

@pee_zombie I've never voted GOP in my life and never will but as a die-hard leftist, I am 100 percent against child drag queen shows. I'd LOVE for them to go away, along with child beauty pageants and advertising to children.

It is impossible to parody the shit-gurgling Left anymore. All they have left is to try and censor those who laugh or want to protect children from their clutches, including dangerous hormone-blockers and sterilization. Child mutilation is not the right side of history.
@pee_zombie On the one hand, I think making certain things illegal is a good thing where children are concerned, since, you know, they can't consent. On the other, one could argue that it is not inherently sexual (maybe). I don't know enough about the topic to make up my mind.
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