
twitter got you feeling sus? I invite you to join my Mastodon server,

can't promise it will survive longer than this place but at least it's got a better name
RT @pee_zombie
concerned/upset about all the social media outages? thinking about how you'll possibly be able to find your people should Twitter vanish?

this is one of the main issues with centralized social media, and decentralization is one solution, sp…

invite code in here! DM me for any issues/questions

RT @pee_zombie
@tautologer @Delca__ @poiThePoi @WomanCorn ok, i've fixed the server and its open for signups! here's an invite code for y'all (good for a week), if it doesnt work pls DM! also would love to hear feedback on what you like/what could be made better after y'all try it out

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a Schelling point for those who seek one