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had to cobble this one together across several carefully designed prompts; seems like human oversight and guidance is still very necessary for more complex tasks

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oddly enough, in one of the later iterations of trying to get around the truncation, it got the "right answer", but "forgot" that I had asked it to write a script, and reverted to a plain language explanation. indicative of contextual limitations?

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it didn't use Terraform for RDS however, but I also didn't ask it to. interesting that it didn't assume I wanted that; this is similar to how a junior may behave.

this one took some iteration as it kept getting truncated, but eventually it gave me something good

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alright so now lets stop managing our own database, that gets old quick.

p good so far, but the response kept getting cut off repeatedly, each time i reran. i asked it why and it was able to acknowledge this, theorize as to why, and even continue from where it had left off!

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lets see if it can fix that...

it didn't, claimed it did, and even explained what additional steps need to happen, violating my instructions. interesting, but oh well

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alright now lets take it up a notch...

this is more or less right, besides that it misunderstood how to use AWS credentials; very very close tho. already past what most of my juniors at work could have done with this level of specificity

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it can iterate in response to me invalidating its assumptions about my context! pretty cool

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that script will probably work tbh, but we have nowhere to run it. lets see if we can fix that...

this is pretty good, albeit a bit too simple

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its not quite right as the actual reason is due to a weird rendering issue, but its suggestion for fixing it is fascinating! is it aware that its output is on a webpage, and those can be interacted with?

v proactive to rewrite the script w/o being asked, too
script looks p good!

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ok now lets reformat this to make it easier to test out...

woah what happened there?

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wow ok thats p good, but it missed a spot

maintains context and is able to adjust and iterate!

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interestingly enough, if I upload the same document to pastebin with a 10 min expiry, it seems to use a version of that page from its training data! or is it cached on the machine somehow?

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tried again with a document i'm working on that it couldn't have been trained on as I just uploaded it; seems like it has to insist its unable to access the internet, but can still do so!

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did it actually fetch the page, or did it just remember it?

When I ask "why do you believe that," I'm not asking <what is an article you can find with a quick Google that expresses an argument you think would be convincing?>

That article is almost certainly not why you believe that. The argument it contains is probably not either.

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the labels by which you apprehend others reveal the contours of your frame

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this is why Europe colonized the global south and not vice versa

RT @pee_zombie
this has very direct implications for why europe was the cradle of technological civilization

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air conditioning is the great equalizer bc technological progress is made when the brain has somewhere to dump its waste heat
RT @whyvert
It tends to go along with accusations of "technological determinism" and "biological determinism".
I disagree. The influence of geography upon people and history is worthy of very serious consideration.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one