if tinder is the male id linkedin is the female
RT @sgodofsk
Linkedin is the opposite of online dating in the sense that greasy computer nerds get mobbed with a torrent of unsolicited messages from attractive women
in reality, if you're not a child under the control of adults, there is very little reason to need anyone else to agree with you; if you have marketable skills, the vast majority of freedoms are accessible to you without anyone's permission. the trick is simply to not care.
I didn't even begin to realize that there were political and optical reasons why certain adults couldn't be seen to agree with me, even if they did; many institutions simply don't allow it. had I gone about this in a more tactical way, I likely could have garnered support. alas.
in retrospect, I realize that many of my peers felt. similarly, but instead took the much better approach of feigning compliance to not be watched, and then do what they wanted anyway. my little autist self wanted to CONVINCE the adults of why my logic was sound.
took me a very long time to understand, & even when I had, to accept; I was an angry anti-authoritarian teen, stuck in a situation where I felt obligated to follow stupid rules for bad reasons; even when I could explain why I shouldn't, I was unheard. the pendulum swung hard.
either we all have to follow the rules (wink wink) or none of us do (nudge nudge)
this is a form of lying-to-children; you'd likely think twice before telling a teen it's sometimes worth the risk to take hard drugs or practice unsafe sex
same with not following social rules
the problem arises when someone believes (perhaps rightfully so) that the rules do not apply to them, especially when they can explain exactly why, correctly
broadcasting this will be perceived as a defection, as people don't like exceptions for others; it's seen as unfaire
consider how many desirable social equilibrium rely on a regression to the mean; most people are either unaware, uncaring, or incompetent, when it comes to upholding order, & without a safe default and lots of friction keeping them in it, they'll quickly defect
my inner contrarian's immediate response was a resounding "no, fuck you", but upon reflection, there is some truth here; there are game theoretic arguments for not broadcasting your willingness to break the rules
if everyone did this, it leads to a sort of tragedy of the commons
RT @thesravaka
if you live in that "i don't follow rules but i'm high functioning" it's similarly on you to be relatively quiet about it or the whole thing…
damn i was beaten to it
RT @drnelk
What does it *feel* like to have that... (cough)... je ne sais qualia?
gray tribe goo