So like, I'd like the most minimal to use blogging plat atm, bc while I am a computer wizard, I do not really care for operating costs of a mailing server.

@KanekoTheKoolio underrated solution is Jekyll Now:

Uses the jekyll static site generator, but is no-code. you just fork the respo, fill in your blog deets/socials in the config.yml file on github, and upload your posts as markdown. it'll automatically build and publish

@0bviouSquirre1 @KanekoTheKoolio free too!!! just name your repo [username] and it’ll auto host on github pages. you can then set a custom domain in repo settings

@junobrum @KanekoTheKoolio @0bviouSquirre1 you definitely should! i’m not in tech and it wasn’t too difficult. there’s step by step instructions on the linked website and just lmk if you have any questions

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