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RT @meekaale
becoming a virtuous person just to own the utilitarians

Elon Tusk boosted

But I think that was misguided. "IP" has a crisp meaning when used by industry: it means, "Any rule or regulation that allows me to control the conduct of my critics, customers or competitors."

Uber's trademark claim was pure IP. There's no chance someone will mistake Samii's app for a ride-hailing tool. But by (ab)using trademark law, Uber got to shut down a critic who documented its illegal conduct. Is it any wonder the corporate world fights so hard for "IP"?


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RT @RokoMijicUK
Ad-hominem arguments are almost always correct, and if you disagree you're a fascist

Elon Tusk boosted

🇬🇧 We aren‘t walking barcodes! Sign the brand new European Citizens‘ Initiaive for banning biometric mass surveillance now! #ReclaimYourFace

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Anyone know what happened to @spakhm ? All his posts look deleted for me.

RT @mmay3r
The phrase "work / life balance" betrays an inherent bias. In what sense is work not part of life?

Refame it as "contribution / leisure balance" and see how you feel.

Elon Tusk boosted

To the south and west
of Southern Province is the
Atlantic Ocean

Wanted: Chrome extension.
* Use NLP to detect when the author labels someone else a word ending in -ist
* Make those words bold red
* Prevent me from sharing the page on social media

There truly is no more effective way to let an arbitrary amount of time, energy, and general morale disappear into nothing than an unmanaged project.

Free business idea: Uber but for music usage rights.

North Korean cyberpunk anyone??

(Album cover @Amaranthemetal )

RT @TomerUllman
I gave OpenAI's GPT-3 nine classic thought experiments in the format Title/Description/Question, and had it produce new ones.

I give you, Thoughtless Experiments.

Love that quote. Implications for the world as a whole?
RT @PetrusTheron
"The great horizontal killer applications are actually just fancy data structures." — Joel Spolsky.
It is no coincidence that the browser DOM is a tree data structure, well-maintained by React.

Elon Tusk boosted

willing to bet money that within the first year of the Biden presidency some brain genius writes a very worried thinkpiece about the dangers of unsavory groups meeting up in unsurveilled small businesses and suggesting cameras be made mandatory
RT @kittypurrzog
New from Vice: “The Problem with Private Conversations: How Radicals Are Avoiding Content Moderation by Speaking in Person”

RT @OMuscletron
@CholeraFan @LA_libertarian1 ‘Social moderation’

Which decade did the performance of GUI apps peak?

Certainly not 2020s where everybody bundles a browser with their app.

My guess would be 1980s. It's gone downhill from there.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one