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furious googling of "are bees magic" reveals that bees have powerful magical properties according to internet witches and also that there is a minecraft mod with magic bees

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like, its close enough to hfcs that a lot of honey in stores is actually cut with it, and the regulators cant tell the difference

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okay what the fuck is going on with honey

it has antimicrobial and other medicinal properties despite being literally sugar (ie microbe food)

it is almost chemically identical with hfcs but is healthy somehow

look at this shit

as always, all roasts are directed first and foremost at myself

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"you can only write who you are" is a pretty standard writing tip

hot take: the influx of stories about stories and bland everyman protagonists is because many writers dont know anything outside of stories

my exalted players are trying to use sympathetic magic to convert a molehill into a mountain

my general opinion of the domestic unrest lately is disappointment at the sheer incompetence of it all

people burning down random small businesses instead of government buildings, no politicians being hurt in the dc raid

sloppy. disorganized.

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but also things have gotten bad and our leaders should feel real fear of the populace

and i only sense contempt coming from them

i feel like theres some bad incentives going on here, wrt media environments - something something emperors clothing

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pondering my increasing extremism

ive always been partial to people with principled objections to the status quo, but im leaning more and more in the direction of bitfd

i dont think destroying the system will make things better, mind

my interaction with farms has largely been in driving past them - ive not dealt with agriculture firsthand outside of gardening and the neighbors pet chickens

but ive seen a lot more cows spending their time in pastures than ive seen anything else

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this updates me significantly towards eating cow being generally fine, especially given my problem with meat eating being about the factory conditions rather than meat itself

im fine with killing animals, which also blunts the original argument i guess

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a counterargument: lots of farm animals are fed field-grown grains, harvested the same way as everything else

but not all! cows in particular are more likely to eat wild scrub in areas like the american west, where there isnt enough water to support fields

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a newish strong anti-veg*n argument that ive heard passed around: harvesting grains/vegetables from fields hurts a lot of small rodents and other wildlife, thus making eating from fields less ethical than eating from barns

this is worth thinking about if youre veg*n

okay making a key pair is pretty easy looks like

successfully signed a test file, encrypted, decrypted, imported a key, were good to go

my public key is at if any of you crypt nerds want it

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oh neat gnupg is already on my computer

and it looks like it can make keys for me

okay time to read some docs

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a Schelling point for those who seek one