urshanabi boosted
urshanabi boosted

Tired: Make wubsite fast with CDN, thousands of locations, every major city

Wired: Make wubsite fast with delete stupid js you don't need

urshanabi boosted

It's all OK though, because from an abstract viewpoint, all that's happening at every scale is just that Messages are being sent, by Objects, and the implementation details absolutely don't matter at all. In fact the less we know and care about implementation the better. In this TED Talk I will

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duckduckgo appears to be censoring images related to the tiananmen square protests

the vaccine microchips seem to be malfunctioning, i hate windows more since i took it

fortunately it's a recruiting firm and my contract will be moved to a real company in 3 months so i won't have to deal with this garbage again

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a Schelling point for those who seek one