Is my Mastodon server dead? Haven't seen anything new for quite some time. What's the official Federation-is-magic recommendation for having multipath subscriptions to avoid single points of failure?

@dagon not quite dead but not super active either, yeah. tbh I don't know of any such method, its a fundamental issue with the design of Mastodon, and is a major reason, among others, why I've switched my attention to bluesky/atproto. its much better architected, taking these issues into account from the get-go, and I believe its the future. will be setting up comparable infra for it under the name, but its nowhere near as necessary due to the protocol's design.


@pee_zombie @dagon Bluesky is supposed to be prepared to deal with exactly thus use case, but it's not clear how reliable non-bsky PDSs are.

It also has its own issues that aren't clear if they're solvable or not.

Exciting developments over there.

@WomanCorn @pee_zombie @dagon worst part is you have to join a Discord and beg for permission to run your own PDS, it's not an open network at all
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