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It's fun to watch all the mastobabies have their first instance drama. Oh no is a Nazi instance because they said "touch grass"? Oh now you're calling the poc lesbian admin of banana.boat a colonizer? You kids have fun.

@puellavulnerata @orionwl TBH I have rational limits on how much of my own money I am willing to waste on making Fed Pooz's day slightly worse

@puellavulnerata @orionwl I suspect he realizes that completely. He has enough exposure to experience it first-hand.

@orionwl @puellavulnerata The real trick here is that they used to have a "pristine" verified tab for speaking with fellow "higher class citizens" that will now be throughly colonized by 8 bux brigade.

Oh and frankly I'd pay 8 bux to ensure that a repoob senator sees one of my finely crafted rhino diarrhea gifs

@niplav hey, a little masto behavior question, do you get notified when replies are unlisted, or only by global replies ?

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Weird starship names generated by neural net software.

Yes, they sound like something out of an Iain Banks "The Culture" novel


a Schelling point for those who seek one