Okie dokie following a few people now and already my feed looks lovely 💎

now one thing I face with social media is that it’s meant to be for forming relationships and I’m really bad at that? Like most my entire twitter presence is my public feed, not really DMing many people, even though in principle I’d like to, and I could, I just systematically choose not to 🤷‍♀️

So perhaps all this moving around trying new sites and p2p might get me off my ass wrt to this ✨

· · Tootle for Mastodon · 2 · 0 · 4

@TetraspaceGrouping exactly what I'm doing with it! I've been pretty quiet on Twitter thus far but here I'm prodding myself to interact more and so far it's really really paying off

@TetraspaceGrouping i like the smaller room feel of this right now without it feeling too crowded or vast and open like twitter. Probably will help with my forming relationships too, I can probably be more candid speaking some of my ideas into the void.

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