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guy who asks for a prophetic vision about the afterlife, has an afterlife-related dream, doesn't write it down anywhere, and makes a vague tweet about it

@fluffy walk out with the 227g steak and they call in the orbital ion cannon to vaporise you

I am now following both Alice (@__justplaying) and Bob (@SkepticalAlpaca).

This makes me giggle.

@niplav constant debates in moral parliament, votes of no confidence in the moral prime minister, absolute deadlock

i literally just want to maximise utility. i have no other politics

people who do good things and don't do bad things probably have a friend in me

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coming out again in favour of good things and against bad things

meanwhile, in a completely different cave, a lone tetratopian wanders in. "uh, I'm here for the delegation" it says. there is no response.

love it when I go back to my memory palace after a long day posting and my tulpa has rotated all of my shapes ready

if you think something it frivolous, you call it daft

if you think something is extremely rational and important, however, you call it dath'd

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a Schelling point for those who seek one