snowpiercer spoilers
@niplav Melanie post explicit EV calculations challenge
okay now I have to do the mildly nonstandard bureaocracy where I inform actual people in real life that I intend to be cryopreserved so they can actually like do that and not be like "wtf are you doing standby team" 😨
@niplav This is just the lifetime membership dues for the Cryonics Institute ($1250 ≈ £1000), actual cryopreservation comes seperately
@niplav let the markets predict, then
recieved form from Cryonics UK
because I'm kind of embarrased to put "I have arranged nothing yet" I'm going to ask the Cryonics Institute for a form (form 4, cryonics is like fighting a damn Kirby boss); looks like it's the same pattern of send them a membership fee and ask for a form
also call with broker pointed out that because mumble inflation mumble life insurance costs more anyway now planning on 60k of cover with slightly better index linking
@niplav YESSSS 👑👑👑 go get that bag (of utilons) Here I'm finally testing out that scheme I saw where a question with a tiny probability of resolving YES is settled by calling off the market with high probablity if it resolves NO to make the probablity scale sensible.
Moved to @TetraspaceGrouping